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Project creation

  • Basic project creation official installation guide.

    npx create-docusaurus@latest my-website-example classic
  • Creation of a project with TypeScript

    npx create-docusaurus@latest my-website-example classic --typescript

Set up Translate Projects

We need to install the translate-projects-docusaurus package in our project.

npm i translate-projects-docusaurus -D

Add i18n configuration in docusaurus.config.js

The file must have the following structure with the languages you want to translate.

You can see the official configuration. i18n configuration docusaurus

  i18n: {
defaultLocale: 'es',
locales: ['es','fr','en','hi','de'],
localeConfigs: {
es: { label: 'Español' },
fr: { label: 'Français' },
en: { label: 'English' },
hi: { label: 'हिंदी' },
de: { label: 'Deutsch' },

Add language list to the sidebar menu.

You can see more positioning information in its documentation. Navbar positioning

export default {
themeConfig: {
navbar: {
items: [
type: 'localeDropdown',
position: 'right',

You will see something like this on your website. 🤯


Create base folder for translations

Create a folder called translate at the root of your project, where you will be creating your directory structure for the documentation of your project.

Folder creation
mkdir translate

After creating the translate folder, we will copy our folders of interest to translate inside.

Make a copy of our project.
cp -r docs translate/
cp -r blog translate/

This would be our directory structure.

Project structure
- docs/
- blog/

Our syntax is simple.

Everything you place inside brackets will be translated, here's the following example...

It is very important to use double braces for it to work and not to forget to close them.

Let's edit our file translate/docs/intro.md, we will update our title and description.

Text structure i18n

Create a configuration file for translations.

Create a file named translate.js inside the utils folder and add the following code:

Comando crear archivo
mkdir -p utils && touch utils/translate.js
  • Configuration translate.js
const { translateProject }  = require('translate-projects-docusaurus');

defaultLocale: 'es', //Default language
locales: ['en'], // List of languages
apikey: '#' // Api Key

Create account

🚀 Automate and optimize your translations.

To make the most of Translate Projects, you need an API Key. Sign up with no obligation.

  • We do not ask for a credit card to try Translate Projects.

Benefits of obtaining your API Key

  • Smart Management: Sync and automatically manage the translations of your projects.
  • Exclusive Administrative Panel: Customize and oversee all your translations from a centralized interface.
  • Priority Support: Receive quick and specialized technical assistance when you need it.
  • Accurate Translations: Our technology understands the context of your code to provide accurate translations.
  • 30,000 Welcome Eniacs: Test all the features without obligation with internal tokens that enhance your translations.

Sign up now and get your API Key to unlock the full potential of Translate Projects!

Create account now→

Set up command for npm

Add the following command in your package.json file:

"scripts": {
"translate": "node ./utils/translate.js"

Enable preview in development mode

You just need to enable debug mode.

const { translateProject }  = require('translate-projects-docusaurus');

defaultLocale: 'es',
locales: ['en'],
apikey: '#',
debug: true

First, we need to activate the default language with the following command; in my case, I will add es, but you can use the one you have by default. Official documentation write-translations

npm run write-translations -- --locale es

Run the command npm run translate and you will see something like this:

Run the debug mode.

  • Puedes ejecutar en una ventana de tu terminal

    docusaurus start --locale es
  • En otra ventana de tu terminal ejecutas

    npm run translate

It will be listening to the changes you make within the ./translate folder, so you can see in your project what you are modifying in real time.

Every time you modify a file, it will automatically refresh on your website.

debug mode

Generate translations (production)

  • You need to change the mode debug=false.

  • then you run the command

    npm run translate

    The waiting time depends on the number of translations you have.

    Logs in production terminal

  • Folder structure in the i18n directory

    Folder structure in the i18n directory

After having your translations, you can compile your project.

npm run build

When it finishes, run the command npm run serve to see your result.

npm run serve

result translations

Configuration options

El objeto ConfigOptions le permite personalizar el comportamiento de Translate Projects. A continuación se muestra un desglose detallado de todas las opciones disponibles.

General settings (config)

outputDirstringThe directory where the translated files will be stored.


localesTypeListLang[]An array of supported languages, for example, ['es','en','ko']
defaultLocaleTypeListLangThe default language that will be used. es


apiKeystringYour API key for the translation service.

Debug Mode

debugbooleanEnable debug mode to preview your changes before sending for translation.

Blog Configuration (blog)

baseDirstringThe directory where your blog files are located.
outputDirstringThe directory where the translated blog files will be stored.
enablebooleanEnable or disable blog translation.

Docs Configuration (docs)

baseDirstringThe directory where your documentation files are located.
outputDirstringThe directory where the files of the translated documentation will be stored.
enablebooleanEnable or disable the translation of the documentation.

React Configuration (react)

enablebooleanEnables or disables specific React translation features.

Theme Configuration (theme)

enablebooleanEnables or disables the translation of the theme.
ignoreKeysstring[]An array of keys that should be ignored during the translation of the theme.
recreateFilesstring(Optional) Specify whether theme files should be recreated during the translation.

We are here to help you.

If you have any questions, need help, or want to contribute, feel free to contact me. I am here to support you with whatever you need.

Support the Project

If this project has been useful to you, I invite you to buy me a coffee. Your support helps me continue improving and creating valuable content. Thank you for being here! ☕

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